Friday, February 22, 2008

Spiritual Warfare

We are positioned as a force of righteousness if we are dependent on God to manifest himself through the Holy Spirit at all times. The flesh screams to do things my way and many times I revert to this barbaric, sinful nature, yet Thank God through Christ I get to try again. Even when I fail to properly serve God he hears my cries and delivers me from the depths of hell.I stand in awe today that my God is so righteous, so powerful, so loving and kind. The hardest lesson for me to learn is that people are not the enemy, this whole life is a spiritual battlefield. Our carnal nature does not like submitting, to letting God fight our battles. We live in fear of the unknown, so we order up our lives like we want it to go. Every time in my life I have had some sort of God experience that increased my faith, and every time I move closer and more dependent on God, the more I am enabled to serve him, all hell breaks loose. (When I say all hell breaks loose, I mean it in a very literal sense) Satan knows my weaknesses and oh that angers me! He knows exactly what he has to do to get me down, and the stakes keep getting higher as I come to recognize the areas he strikes me in. I should be trembling just thinking about it, yet know that as long as I remain in God and him in me that satan has already been defeated. I have had a trying few weeks, and I did not prevail, but my God did. How great is my God! I cringe to think of the times satan has used me and it brings me to a very humble position that I hope not to forget in the near future. This spiritual battlefield is a different kind of fight and I can only pray to turn into the kind of warrior that brings glory to my King.

1 comment:

Royce Ogle said...


You are on to something here. 1. The battle is the Lord's, not yours. 2. The enemy is not people.

I think you are well on your way to victorious living!

His peace,
Royce Ogle