Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Right Brain or Left Brain

I've always thought of myself as a left brained person, very logical, reality based, no nonsense kind of person, but this morning I did a right brained left brained test and find out that I'm a right brained person. Well actually according to the test I use both sides, but at first glance the dancing girl is spinning clockwise which means you are right brained. I think it's fun knowing I can use both sides of my brain, I think it is fun knowing I still have a brain.

I homeschool my daughter, youngest of three, the others all graduated public school, and I am quickly finding out that my fellow Christians question this decision more than the secular world. I have very high expectations for her, but they are not of the sort that most parents have for their children. I have learned through much blood, sweat and tears that your relationship with God is paramount to your survival in this world, and that achieving very high educational goals is secondary. It might afford you more things and might enable you in many ways and might afford you some sense of security, but remains secondary to that relationship with God. That relationship alone is life sustaining. I know many highly educated people that are not happy in their field and I know many happy people with no higher education as a matter of fact I know many poor people that are happy and I know they cause the Lord much joy, so please don't be arrogant to me. I'm not a religious freak, I'm just a mother doing her best to raise a daughter to serve the Lord, I know all the pros and cons of public education, I've already been there. I'm not sacrificing a child here, I'm trying to give her life and a little more support and a little less scrutiny would be great. Don't worry she studies all the normal stuff. She is exposed to the world and worldy things plenty, we let her out of the box some.(She has all the things all teens think they can't live without) just with reminders that things don't bring peace to the soul. Were not perfect parents and she is not a perfect child, but nothing wierd about us, except that I decided to do things my way instead of societies way this time. My intention is to raise a God loving, seeking child that will recieve support to persue whatever educational goals she is inclined to persue after highschool, and that is that.

Oh the right brain thing, I think it is acquired in my case from much spiritual searching, I think that society teaches us to rely on our left brain a little to much.